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What We Do


girls at sleepover
  • 6PM to 9AM
  • 1:1 Staff to Child Ratio
  • Pictures & Updates Shared Throughout The Night

Atlas is proud to offer services for families to be as stress free and comfortable as possible. It is imperative for students of all ages and abilities to engage with peers and have childhood experiences that are meaningful and joyful. For the past 2 years Atlas (previously Emerge & See) is thrilled to offer monthly overnights (with a minimum of 3 students). The cost of these overnights is $400 and includes a dinner party at the Atlas Foundation for Autism, movies, games, and an opportunity to "chill out" with peers from 6:00 - 8:30/9:00 when everyone gathers their belongings and transition over to the hotel which is next door. Life skills are worked on in the hotel including appropriate voices, physical presence, and following directions. Students unpack, brush their teeth, watch tv, enjoy their iPads, and then go to sleep until the morning when they have breakfast and are picked up between 9:00 - 9:30. Students MUST be familiar with Atlas staff having participated for a minimum of 3 months before participating in this program to ensure their comfort and relationships are solid. Pictures and updates are shared with families throughout the night. Overnights are staffed 1:1 to ensure total comfort and safety for all students.

News & Featured Content

  • Autism Infographics UPDATED

    Fun, information packed graphics that help to educate, raise awareness and foster acceptance of autism and the special needs community in general.

  • Featured In Big Apple Parent Mag

    The Atlas Foundation For Autism is honored to be featured in the "Meet The Directors" section of the January 2015 issue of Big Apple Parent Magazine!

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