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Testing At Atlas

  • The Stanford-Binet test is a examination meant to gauge intelligence through five factors of cognitive ability. These five factors include fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory.
  • WIAT:
  • The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, or WIAT, is a test that measures a person's intelligence. The test can be taken by children and adults from age four to 85. Children and adolescents are often given the WIAT in order to identify areas where they may struggle or excel at in school.
  • The Vineland-II assesses adaptive behavior in four domains: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization, and Motor Skills. It also provides a composite score that summarizes the individual's performance across all four domains.
  • A social history reviews the individual's family and developmental history through reviewing past evaluations and interviews with the parent(s). This is a required part of the OPWDD application process.
  • RECORD REVIEW: A record review provides a summary of an individual's cognitive, academic, and social evaluations, and tailored recommendations to address areas of need.
  • PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL EVALUATION: A psycho-educational evaluation includes the above elements - cognitive, achievement, and adaptive behavior evaluations, as well as a social history and record review. This provides the most comprehensive assessment for the individual.
  • BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN: All behaviors are driven by needs. The development of a behavior intervention plan includes a functional behavior assessment (FBA) to determine the need the behavior meets, and a formal plan to teach a replacement behavior and reduce the maladaptive behavior.

News & Featured Content

  • Autism Detective Podcast: Featuring Amanda Friedman

    Patricia Lemer, a licensed Professional Counselor, with over 50 years experience, and the author of the best seller, Outsmarting Autism, interviews Moms, Dads, therapists, educators, and other professionals. Interviews Our Founder Amanda Friedman.

  • Atlas School Featured in NYMetroParents

    School for Children with Autism Creates Personalized Curriculum -- Students deepen social-emotional development and communication skills.

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