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Vocational Program
Pause Play
Teacher and young man
Don't be surprised by your greatness. Be surprised that no one expected it.
Teacher and young man
Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.
Learning about music
Unless today is well lived, tomorrow is not important.
Believe card
Embark on the Journey

Vocational Program

The Vocational Program serves all ages and ranges of ability from 16+ With a focus on independence, social understanding and connection to the community. Depending on the needs and wants of the student and their family goals will include building healthy relationships, strengthening communication skills, volunteering & job prep as well as further education supports.

For more independence in the world and work-related endeavors, Atlas will, over the course of the initial sessions, complete a comprehensive developmental assessment (i.e. SCDS, Brigance, etc) in order to accurately show students current levels of skill and mastery across all areas as well as identifying learning preferences and accounting for unique sensory profiles. Functional mathematics, literacy, problem-solving and critical thinking as well as science and social studies will be targeted through individualized lesson plans that revolve around passions and motivating areas.

Community integration:

Students will have an opportunity to go 1:1 with an instructor to local stores in the community as well as parks, attractions, and places of interest. They will research prior and practice all elements of safety, environmental awareness, and social skills to have the most fruitful and successful interactions possible.

Volunteer Opportunities

Individuals with Autism are welcome to support Atlas and practice interview and job skills. This is carefully tailored and established for the greatest of experiences for both the volunteer and people they are interacting with. These volunteers are not left alone with Atlas staff but coached and given a chance under direct supervision to practice and gain new skill sets. Volunteer positions are possible in other sites as well and can be arranged upon request and opportunity.

Further Education:

Atlas prides itself on working with students post high school to gain further education. This work includes reflecting on previous learning experiences, application process, programs available and appropriate to meet the students needs, mock interviews, supportive letters & references as well as ongoing supports to aid in note taking, focus and attending, advocacy and more.

Job prep & Independence in Life Skills:

Individuals are given the skills needed to interview, build relationships in the community, increase productivity and improve time management skills. Social skills to improve interpersonal dynamics are worked on and understanding ones rights in the work place are prioritized. Students are encouraged to join social groups, clubs, social media, and to navigate their own desired experiences through careful planning, family dialogues, and practice.

Plus 21 program

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News & Featured Content

  • Atlas Summer Camp

    When schools are closed, Atlas is open! Program days run from 9:00am to 6:30pm with early drop off and late pick up available. Atlas programs adhere to both social and educational standards for students to build joyful relationships and gain the ultimate learning experiences while schools are not in session.

  • Amazon Smile: Shop on Amazon to Support Atlas

    Shop on Amazon.Com & have .05% of your total purchase be donated to Atlas by amazon. Simply select Atlas Foundation For Autism Inc as the charitable organization you would like to support.

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